Hide Desktop Icons on Mac OS X

Today we decided to record a couple of videos demonstrating some of the awesome features that we have delivered with the new Firefox and Chrome extensions. Unfortunately both media Macs, which we usually use for this kind of business, had very cluttered desktops, unsuitable for any sort of screencasting. It is embarrassing.

For these kinds of problems we have one ingenious solution we invented long time ago, which to our own admissions works extremely well. That is the "Junk" folder. Clearly described in our patent pending application, the Junk folder is a mechanism by which one can clean desktop clutter via drag and drop operations.

However, we thought why not push the boundaries even further and find a better way to hide the by-product of your endless hours of work in order to record that awesome screencast. So we sat down and wrote HideDesktop.app.

HideDesktop.app does only one thing. Once you open the app you will be able to hide/unhide all your desktop icons with a single click from the application menulet, which is sitting unobtrusively in your Mac OS X menu bar. Simple and elegant.

There you have it. Have a great weekend everyone and a productive week ahead and we hope that our small contribution made your Mac experience a little bit better. Watch out this space for updates. You will learn tons of stuff about web security and who knows, one day we may even rollout an update for HideDesktop.app.