We are very excited to announce the official Mac App Store release of Haxor. This app puts you in the shoes of the hacker who wrote the infamous Blaster worm for your thrill and amusement. All you have to do is to type your way into 1337n3$$.
<iframe width="100%" height="420" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/kgfgvTHcao4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It is not well know fact but Haxor has been used by Hollywood to make some of the hacking scenes. We know they are not real but sure they look more exciting than a guy sifting through the console output for hours.
The video above is not produced by Hollywood but it comes very close. This video is made by Santi Araujo (@santiaraujo) from Conéctica. Thanks Santi! It was his own initiative and the end result is awesome.
Obviously Haxor was made just for fun. To keep it real, use our web application security testing tools.